Leading up to their apparent cease of operations, Denial Esports has become a name infamous in the esports community for their failure to properly pay their players and staff on time and mismanagement.
Players from Denial’s Overwatch team such as Danteh and xQc were revealed to have kept quiet about the missed payments and not involve themselves in the controversy in hopes of not hampering the chances to get scouted into the Overwatch League.
On Sept 6 esports law firms ESG Law and Morrison/Lee released a statement on Twitter announcing that the two would stand together to represent players looking who were mistreated and owed payment reportedly totaling $100,000 by Denial Esports CEO Robby Ringnalda.
Denial CEO Twitlonger statement: http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1sq7svq
Richard Lewis report: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0_kTySa16I
Slingshot Esports report: http://slingshotesports.com/2017/09/01/denial-esports-allegedly-owes-money-h1z1-rocket-league-csgo/
VP Esports: https://www.vpesports.com/breaking-news/denial-esports-still-owes-danteh-xqc-theyre-not-worried/
Breakthegame text messages: http://www.breakthegame.net/denial-esports-seeks-bailout-of-debts-owed-to-players/
Dot Esports report: https://dotesports.com/general/news/denial-halo-payment-issues-2325
Morrison/Lee: https://twitter.com/morrisonleelaw/status/1037062689263153152
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Video credit: ESL, Riot Games, Rivalcade
Meet The Pack: Robby Ringnalda: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tfh6vq1pnLU
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