
5 Highest Creep Scores in LoL History | LoL eSports

Last hitting minions may seem lackluster and unimportant but it serves as the income for every champion. Some pros have become so incredibly efficient at farming that they’ve eclipsed creep score numbers like never before. Here are the 5 Highest CS Totals in LoL History!

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All League of Legends footage courtesy of Riot Games.

5. Hjarnan (756 CS in 77:57) Team Roccat vs Origen

Of course, to get a lot of CS the game has to be pretty long. Enter Origen vs Roccat. A battle between winless teams. The game had very little action as Roccat picked up their first kill at the 50 minute mark. This gave Hjarnan all kinds of time to farm up on Ziggs, a champion known for his ability to wave clear. With Origen picking up Baron and Elder Dragon, Origen would eventually end the game in 78 minutes. The lone bright spot was Hjarnan who picked up 756 CS in the loss.

4. Froggen (764 CS in 67:50) FOX vs DIG

Over the years Froggen has been known for a lot of things including his skills on Anivia and his insane ability to farm. Against Dignitas in 2016, Froggen roamed from lane to lane soaking up CS with Gangplank. He would finish the contest with 764 minion kills at 11.26 CS per minute. However, his CS total was largely overshadowed by one of the craziest endings in League history.

3. Febiven (848 CS in 80:28) Fnatic vs Origen

In 2016, Europe broke the CS record time after time. The first of instance was done by Febiven against Origen. Fnatic had lost an inhibitor turret rather early, and Origen would repeatedly knock down the inhibs. However, Origen was not able to end the game which sent minion wave after minion wave into the Fnatic base. After playing the majority of the game with an several inhibs down, Fnatic became incredibly farmed. In the 80 minute contest, Febiven picked up 848 CS.

2. Rekkles (858 CS in 80:28) Fnatic vs Origen

Unfortunately for Febiven, his 848 CS wasn’t the highest total in the game. His own teammate Rekkles, bested him by 10 minions to instantaneously take the record. Sure, Febiven and Rekkles were able to sit 1 and 2 in highest CS totals, but they didn’t win the game.

1. Zven (946 CS in 67:59) G2 vs Origen

Just a week after Rekkles’ record breaking performance, the CS record was absolutely shattered, and once again it happened against Origen. Similar to the previous game, OG had an early advantage and knocked down an inhibitor. But for the next 40 minutes, G2 held onto their base and Sven soaked up wave after wave on Sivir until the game came to it’s conclusion. Despite the loss, Zven finished with an insane 946 CS at a clip of 16.3 CS per minute. 300 more CS than his counterpart in xPeke.


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