
5 Biggest Clown Fiestas in LoL History | LoL eSports

A Clown Fiesta is a strange series of events in which nobody – not even the players! – knows what’s going on, and occasionally, this term is applied to League of Legends games during ridiculous moments and sloppy play. Here are the 5 Biggest Clown Fiestas in LoL history!

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All League of Legends footage courtesy of Riot Games.

5. Wanna ARAM, Bro? (Dignitas vs. Curse 2012 MLG Raleigh)

Way back in 2012, Curse and Dignitas met in the Grand finals of MLG Raleigh. But rather than play it out in normal fashion, the two teams agreed to make it an ARAM. Part of the agreement was that they would allegedly also split the first place prize money. Although the game was wildly entertaining as the teams combined for 151 kills, Curse and DIG were later disqualified as the collusion violated MLG’s rules.

4. Nothing Really matters (Alliance vs Millenium 2014 EU LCS Summer)

When the results of a competitive game mean nothing, occasionally teams will make troll picks and take the game rather lightly. But Alliance and Millennium took it to another level in the 2014 Summer Split. With Ashe Jungle, Rammus top, and a Leona/Jarvan bot lane… the two teams exchanged jabs for almost 40 minutes. Massive team fights escalated the kill count as the end result was 92 kills and a meaningless win for Alliance.

3. One Hit Away…Twice. (UOL vs FNC 2015 EU LCS Spring)

Mechanically this game was perfectly fine, but the ending was nothing short of insane. A bloodbath early, the craziness started around 20 minutes when UOL took down Baron. They cracked Fnatic’s inhib line but couldn’t end the game. Shortly later, Fnatic took a Baron of their own and attempted to finish the game. Fnatic spent the next 5 minutes trying to backdoor their opponent’s nexus but eventually… it’d be the Unicorns who would get the win.

2. Executioner’s Calling (Renegades vs. Dignitas 2016 NA LCS Spring)

This could possibly be the worst played game of professional league ever. And it started from the very beginning… You’d think DIG losing two members to a turret would be the worst of it…The Renegades answered back immediately by handing two kills over to the rift herald. 45 minutes later, the game ended in perfect fashion for a game of this caliber.

1. Oscar Night (Invictus Gaming vs LGD 2015 LPL Spring)

In the final week of the LPL Spring 2015 Season, Invictus and LGD faced off with a lot of the line. However, both teams wanted to lose as the winner would have to face the hottest team, EDG, in the playoffs. Of course, obviously throwing a game would result in disqualification which led to this series being named ‘Oscar Night’, as players acted as though they were trying to win. Following an endless amount of solo kills and the match being prolonged, game officials stepped in to pause the game, which interestingly ended just over a minute later.


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