Sometimes, we can’t all just get along. In a high-pressure team environment, when you spend all day practicing with teammates, occasionally there are going to be rifts and disagreements between team members. These are the 5 most heated teammates feuds in LoL history.
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All League of Legends footage courtesy of Riot Games.
#5: Reginald & Xpecial. Back in season 2 when Reginald was more than just the team owner, it was very much Regi’s way or the highway. He had a way of telling you if you screwed up that ended up rubbing teammates the wrong way. Specifically, Xpecial. Made public by the Gamecribs series, Xpecial was at one point the brunt of Reginald’s wrath as he allegedly went against of his calls in-game. In another instance, Xpecial stood up for Wildturtle after an in-game mistake drew Reginald’s ire. The relationship continued to grow rocky as Xpecial was benched for his attitude, and was then transferred to Curse shortly after.
#4: Uzi & Insec. There’s still a lot unknown about this feud but long story short, as teammates on Starhorn Royal Club, Uzi and Insec did not get along. Uzi wanted to be the star player on the team, but the coach and Insec insisted on playing around the top and mid lane. It reached a point where during a game, Insec picked Lucian for Uzi, but he instead wanted Vayne. Uzi then picked Vayne which forced the team to have Lucian jungle and Lee Sin support. The clash led to Uzi threatening not to attend worlds and an un-verified physical altercation.
#3: Team Liquid. The most recent feud on the list belongs to none other than Team Liquid. With a young carry jungler and a world champion ADC, expectations were high for TL. However, Dardoch and Piglet, along with coach LocoDoco often butted heads about how the game should be played and the dynamics within the team. The three often had toxic arguments which were displayed on ‘Breaking Point’ and eventually, Dardoch was briefly suspended for attitude problems. Although he was brought back onto the starting roster, altercations and arguments continued to erupt and eventually Dardoch was released from TL.
#2: Saintvicious & HotshotGG. What kind of Feud list would this be without Counter Logic Gaming….This one goes back to CLG’s early days when SaintVicious and HotshotGG dominated the top side of the map. However, their argumentative natures led to several altercations during their time as teammates. Eventually, the feud got so heated that Saint was kicked from CLG and was something that Saint never fully got over. A public discussion over Twitter and reddit over a year later re-ignited the rivalry.
#1: The Donezo Manifesto. Largely available to the Public eye, the Seraph era of CLG was undoubtedly the most drama filled team to ever exist. After a failed gank, Seraph reportedly told his jungler Dexter to “never gank his lane again.” Doublelift’s ego and personality rubbed his teammates the wrong way which led to further trials and tribulations. Eventually, after a Korea bootcamp gone wrong, a near relegation out of the LCS, and a disappointing spring playoff run in 2015, Link left the team and burned several bridges on his way out. He published an 18 page letter which called out his teammates and coaches.