We all saw recently that Blizzard’s Heroes of the Storm just got all it’s seasoned devs pulled from the project. HotS’ heavy eSports focus to the point the Blizz bascially bankrolled the whole thing as some sort of PR campaign never really took off in spite of all the support from Blizzard. Now that the plug’s been pulled despite assurance at Blizzcon that things were going to be bigger and better next year a whole lotta people are out of a job. Maybe this is a good time to bring up how just about every game that tries to force its way into competitive gaming be it by throwing money at MLG to get stream time or bankrolling it themselves ends up failing miserably and now they don’t have an advertising budget to boot. Maybe it’s just a better idea to stop trying to design games as eSport and maybe try and focus on making them fun instead.
Games Featured:
Starcraft Remastered
Planetside 2
Goat Simulator
Warcraft III
Command and Conquer: Rivals
Dark Souls III
Music Featured:
Bummin’ on a Tremolo – Kevin Macleod
Video Dungeon Crawl – Kevin Macleod
Intuit256 – Kevin Macleod
Sorry for no Saucy boy in the end credit, but I’m making these videos so fast now he doesn’t have time to do silly things.