"Is that like FIFA? Yeah, kind of."
Scottish Rocket League Pro Player Andersn22 talks us through his journey into the Rocket League Esports and what he now thinks looking forward to major tournaments.
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The craziest scandal in League of Legends just got crazier.
We’ve got thousands of dollars in fines, perma-bans from Riot’s esports events, lawsuits, allegations of verbal and physical abuse, forgery and of course --...
Gimana jadinya kalo main game Free Fire di real life, ya? Yuk, tonton video lengkapnya dulu!
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What if we told you that arguably the best Rainbow Six Siege player in the world was banned for a crime that he may not have committed?
That, for the better...
We all love competitive games. That feeling after clutching a round, or ranking up cannot be beat. But sometimes that post-game feeling isn’t so positive. Sometimes we’re left in a state of pure rage,...
Die Schweizer haben fantastisch abgeschnitten am Fortnite Cup und das erste Fullbody VR Trurnier war ebenfalls ein Erfolg! Weniger zu Lachen hatten die Jungs von G2 im LoL Worlds Finale. Alle wichtigen News zu...
Between Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitch and all the other social media platforms on the internet, you can basically watch someone’s entire life from start to finish in real-time.
And that means that certain public...
Winning the Spring and Summer LEC seasons as well as MSI, G2 Esports has the opportunity at the League of Legends Worlds Final to be the only team since the start of MSI in...
Los Angeles Guerrillas captain Patrick "ACHES" Price joins Arda Ocal to discuss the upcoming Call of Duty League. Aches breaks down his rivalry with Optic Gaming, "I think they made a team for a...
When GeT_RiGhT cried at ESL One Cologne, it wasn’t just because he lost the tournament. His tears marked the end of an era, something nobody wanted to say out loud.
But the fans...
Sometimes, esports isn’t JUST about skill, prowess or strategy. Some of our favourite plays of all time weren’t born solely out of someone outplaying, out thinking or outmaneuvering their opponent.They were born… from a...
If Uma Jan says it, then it is so. Jankos, you are better than Faker! Tune into our Worlds Semifinals Voicecomms as our League of Legends took on SKT to secure their place in...