Counter Strike is a game often held in balance by a thread. and in a game where everyone is running around with AK47s, AWPs, and M4s, there are bound to be a few slip...
Suomen tähän asti suurin kilpapelisarja saatiin päätökseen viime viikolla, joten käydään vähän läpi mitä kaikkea siinä kävi sekä omia visioita tulevien kausien suhteen.
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Suomen skene jatkaa kasvamistaan, kun tänä vuonna lanseerattiin Telian uusi esports-liiga, minkä ekalla kaudella pelataan kynäriä sekä mobiilipeli Arena Of Valoria. Videossa käydään läpi pelatuiden otteluiden tuloksia sekä esitellään turnausformaatti.
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Rencontre avec Engin "MAJ3R" Kupeli et Christophe "SIXER" Xia, les deux nouveaux joueurs de la Team-LDLC. Nous parlons avec eux de leurs retrouvailles, leurs projets chez Space Soldiers et EnVyUs puis la formation de...
In the latest edition of Off the Map, Freakazoid talks about his meteoric rise to the top with Cloud9, their subsequent downfall, and his personal path back to the top with Swole Patrol.
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esports is all the rage and as games become more mainstream, so does people wanting to compete in them. Here are 7 upcoming esports titles that could be the next big thing.
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We came back stronger! At DreamHack Tours 2018, North went all the way and won the event and $50,000.
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Get_Right might be the greatest Counter-Strike player in history. His game sense and skill across multiple incarnations of the game are unmatched.
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esports is all the rage and as games become more mainstream, so does people wanting to compete in them. Here are 12 upcoming esports titles that could be the next big thing.
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