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DAIGO UMEHARA : la légende du Versus Fighting | Gazette de l'esport

TheGreatReview revient dans ce nouvel épisode de La Gazette de l'eSport et vous propose un tout nouveau format thématisé. Votre chroniqueur aborde désormais un pan précis du monde de l'eSport, entre histoire et idoles. ►...

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Is Caffeine the Secret to eSports Success? – The Science Behind Caffeine and Pro Gaming

CHECKOUT eAdvantage (esports supplement): eAdvantage is a passion project we've been working on for a while, combining health, science, and esports - the three things we're most nerdy about! If you're a casual gamer...

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ICONIC Esports Moments: Luffy's Miraculous Losers' Bracket run at EVO 2014 (FGC)

Winning EVO from the loser’s bracket is the absolute hardest thing a fighting game player can accomplish. You play twice as many matches as the players in the winners' bracket. Twice the number of players....

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ICONIC Esports Moments: EVO Moment 37 – "The Daigo Parry" (Street Fighter)

In the history of esports, certain highlights have managed to transcend games – plays so incredible that no fan, regardless of game loyalty, can deny their brilliance. Think of Dota 2’s “the Play”, coldzera’s...

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