Mobile Gaming

Korrupt Zombies Perks Guide

Feature image for our Korrupt Zombies perks guide. It shows a Roblox character working on something at a workbench.

Want to find out the perks of zombie hunting? You’re in luck! Our Korrupt Zombies perks guide runs over all the different perk trees, what they offer, and the levels you need to unlock them. Handy!

Korrupt Zombies is out now on Roblox. We’ve also got a Korrupt Zombies weapon tier list.

Korrupt Zombies Perks Guide

We’ve divided it up into different trees.

Unlocked By Default

Quick Revive – Revive players faster and the ability to self-revive in solo games.

  • Faster Revive -Revives other players 50% faster.
  • Cleanse Wounds – Begins health regeneration faster.
  • Crawling Expert – Crawl at double speed.
  • Medic – Restores own health on reviving another player.

Unlocked At Level 9

Mule Kick – Hold on extra weapon.

  • Large Pockets – Stores 15% more reserve ammo.
  • Recover Lost Weapon – Record your third weapon.
  • Bountiful Harvest – Zombie has a 5% chance to drop a large amount of ammo.
  • Large Pockets – Stores 30% more reserve ammo.
  • Gambling Expert – Zombie kills drop power ups 50% of the time.

Unlocked At Level 19

PHD Flopper – Negates damage to self, immunity to fall damage.

  • Explosives Master – Increases Explosives damage by 15%.
  • Slide Master – 7% better slide speed.
  • Explosives Master 2 – Increases Explosives AOE by 15%
  • Slide Master 2 – 15% better slide speed.
  • Widow’s Web – Releases a stunning spider web upon getitng hit.

Unlocks At Level 28

Speed Cola – Faster reload speed.

  • Faster Equip – Equip weapons 15% faster.
  • Faster Reload – Reload 30% faster.
  • Sprinting Reload – Reload while sprinting.
  • Faster Reload 2 – Reload 45% faster.
  • Electrifying Reload – Shocks surrounding zombies while reloading.

Unlocks At Level 38

Stamin Up – Faster sprint

  • Increased Endurance – Sprints 50% longer and recover stamina 25% faster.
  • Dexterity – Walk at the same speed in any direction.
  • Increased Endurance 2 – Sprints 100% longer and recover stamina 50% faster.
  • Zolt – Sprints 15% faster.
  • Vulture – Highlights perks, wall weapons, and mystery boxes through walls.

Unlocks At Level 47

Jugger Nog – Gain more health.

  • Improved Armor – Armor is 25% more durable
  • Cheaper Armor – Armor refill is half-price.
  • Tank – 100 extra HP.
  • Improved Armor 2 – Armor is 50% more durable.
  • Tombstone – Leave a tombstone with all your items on death.

Unlocks At Level 51

Double Tap – Increases fire rate and weapon damage.

  • Auto Reload – Slowly refills ammo clip in unequipped weapons.
  • More Fire Power – Weapons do 30% more damage and have a 30% faster fire rate.
  • Penetrating Bullets – Bullets go through one zombie.
  • Auto Reload 2 – Refills ammo clip in unequipped weapons.
  • Deadshot – 50% better headshot damage.

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