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Attack On Titan Revolution Attack Titan Guide

Feature image for our AOT Revolution attack titan guide which shows an NPC from spawn with a Yeager surname who has physical traits taken from JJK... in the BG of the screenshot is my avatar dressed in the corps uniform facing to the side

I love it when Eren says it’s Titan time and then Titans all over the place. This Attack On Titan Revolution Attack Titan Guide tells you what the Attack Titan is, how to obtain it, and the skills and upgrades!

Check out Attack On Titan Revolution over on Roblox. For more AOT: Revolution content, check out our Attack On Titan Revolution Titan Serum Guide and Attack On Titan Revolution Achievements Guide.

Attack On Titan Revolution Attack Titan Guide

In Attack On Titan Revolution, certain family lineages have the ability to Titan shift. What this means is, that you can become a Titan during Scouting Missions for an easier time in combat versus rogue Titans. Currently, AOT: Revolution only has one Titan shift which is the Attack Titan, though plans for the Armoured Titan have been discussed!

To Titan Shift, you need to first be in a family clan which has the ability to Titan Shift, and get yourself a Titan Serum. We have a complete guide on both of those linked above for more details! But, in brief, the Titan Serum is an extremely rare drop from Raids and the Aberrant grade Missions.

Attack Titan Skills

When playing as a Titan, you gain a bunch of new moves to use during your shift.

  • Eject (Passive)
    • Exit your Titan form and launch from the remnants toward a nearby Titan
  • Hardening
    • Hardens your fists to deal +10-20% punch skill damage
    • speed: +10-17% depending on skill tree
    • DMG reduction: +10-25% depending on skill tree
  • Roar
    • Regens +3-7% of your HP over 4 ticks
    • Stuns nearby Titans for 2-4 seconds
    • Every Titan in range will take between 7.5-12.5$ DMG for 4 ticks
  • Corkscrew Punch
    • Deals between 90-200% DMG to all enemies in the path of this lunge move
  • Brutal Stomp
    • Stomp on the ground dealing environmental damage and up to 70-125% DMG to surrounding enemies
  • Uppercut
    • Execute up to three Titans on hit
    • Launches Titans into the air dealing 40-70% DMG to other Titans in the area based on size and placement

Upgrades and Passives

  • Shifter Mastery
    • Shifting bar drains slower
    • HP regen increases by 10-20%
    • Gain an extra 250-550 HP
  • Boxing Mastery
    • Deal 60-80% DMG up to 1 or 3 Titans.
    • Hit 5% faster
    • Heavy attacks deal +25% more DMG
  • Yeager Exclusive Pathway (Only for those in the Yeager clan)
    • Berserker Mode:
    • +10-20% DMG
    • +5-10% SPD
    • Take +10-15% more DMG
    • Lose 1-2% of your HP per second (Return to human when at 15% of your max HP)

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