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A lot of big changes are coming to Destiny 2 with the release of the Shadowkeep expansion. Bungie is reworking systems related to weapons and armor, as well as its premium currency Eververse Store. That means if you’re an avid Destiny player, a lot of your gear is about to become obsolete. Other items are going to matter quite a lot, at least for the first few weeks of Shadowkeep. And some things are better off deleted to convert them into currency you can use on other things.
If your vault is full of gear you’ve been collecting over the course of Destiny 2 up to this point, it can be confusing deciding what you need to hang onto through the launch of Shadowkeep, and what you can toss to make room. Here’s a quick rundown of what’s safe to delete, what you absolutely should shard, and what you want to hang onto through the start of Shadowkeep on October 1.
Delete Old Eververse Items
Shadowkeep is bringing a big change to the Eververse Store, and it means you’ll want to shard a lot of your Eververse gear before the launch of the expansion. In short: deleting Eververse items won’t give you Bright Dust after October 1. Bungie is changing the system so that there’s no incentive for players to buy items with Silver, Destiny 2’s premium currency, to delete them for Bright Dust. In Shadowkeep and beyond, you’ll earn Bright Dust for playing the game, and Eververse items won’t require Bright Dust to pull them from Collections. That means if you delete your Eververse items now, you’ll get Bright Dust you can spend in Shadowkeep.
In general, any Eververse item you don’t absolutely want to keep or wouldn’t want to re-roll, you should delete. You’ll get Bright Dust you can use in Shadowkeep, and you’ll be able to reclaim any Eververse thing you want from your Collections. This is a big one, though: You want to delete all that stuff before Shadowkeep’s pre-launch maintenance begins on September 30, or you’ll miss your chance.
Save Your Bright Dust
This is your last chance to buy items from the current stock in the Eververse Store after it refreshes on October 1, but if you’re not dying for new weapon ornaments or Eververse armor, stockpile your Bright Dust. As mentioned above, the Eververse economy is about to change and nobody knows just the costs of items will be, either from the store itself or when pulling things from Collections. While it’ll be possible to earn Bright Dust from bounties in the new Eververse economy and it’s tempting to spend it now while you’re inundated from clearing out your Eververse stuff, being flush with cash for cosmetics will allow you to grab the things you want from Destiny’s new system without having to grind for it at the start of the expansion.
Keep Your Armor With The Best Rolls
The new Armor 2.0 system is going to change how players approach their character builds and armor, but none of the armor you currently own will be converted into Armor 2.0. You’ll have to earn new pieces of armor by playing in order to get into the new system, and it’ll allow you to customize your character builds much, much more than was possible in Destiny 2 and Forsaken.
However, getting good stuff in the Armor 2.0 system is going to take time, and you’ll need to Masterwork your Armor 2.0 gear to get the most out of it. That means you probably won’t be using good Armor 2.0 gear for at least the first few days of Shadowkeep, and possibly for the first few weeks, depending on how much you play. Similarly, any armor you have with Enhanced perks is worth holding onto, because those perks will be tough to come by in Armor 2.0 gear. In short: keep your best Year Two armor, especially if it has Enhanced perks that you really like. Chances are good you’re going to be using your best Forsaken-era gear for at least a while after the launch of Shadowkeep. You’ll also want to hold onto your old armor mods if you intend to use them on your Forsaken armor–after Shadowkeep, you’ll only earn new mods for Armor 2.0. But any armor and mods you don’t use regularly or don’t think you’ll need are safe for deletion. And don’t worry about infusing any armor with good rolls to get it up to the current level cap ahead of Shadowkeep; when the expansion launches, all of your gear will automatically be elevated to 750 Power.
Keep One Of Each Weapon Mod
The weapon system isn’t undergoing the same massive overhaul that armor is in Shadowkeep, but weapon mods are changing slightly. Instead of being single-use consumables that you’ll lose once you equip them, having a weapon mod will unlock it for use on any gun you have. That’ll allow you to use mods more freely in experimental capacities, without worrying about wasting them. When Shadowkeep launches, any weapon mods you currently have will automatically be added to your inventory to use on all your weapons.
You only need one weapon mod of each type for it to unlock for all your guns, so feel free to delete any duplicates you have in the meantime. Just keep in mind that mods that are already equipped on guns won’t count–they need to be in your inventory. You might want to visit the Gunsmith and Ada-1 to acquire new mods if you’re missing some.
Save Your Best Guns
While the Destiny 2 armor system is getting an overhaul with Shadowkeep, the same is not true of weapons. Yes, weapon mods will stop being consumable, but that’s the only change that’s coming to your guns (other than a series of damage changes and perk nerfs). Your good guns are likely to still be good in the post-Shadowkeep ecosystem, and until we know exactly what the new meta for weapons will be, it’s a good idea not to go too crazy sharding weapons. That doesn’t mean you should keep every gun you’ve got just in case it winds up being good, and especially when it comes to Year One stuff, you’re probably free to clear some space. But it’s a good idea to hang onto a smattering of different guns you can use in a variety of situations to see what works best under Destiny 2’s new changes.