
Inside ESIC’s track at ESI London

In just a month’s time, ESI London will take to Twickenham Stadium from September 16-17th where industry leaders will bring the most important discussions and areas for innovation in esports to a head.

Esports Insider has established the Esports Integrity Coalition (ESIC) as the Official Knowledge Partner of the industry showcase and, as a result, ESI London will see an entire track helmed by ESIC on its second day. Centralised around key topics in esports betting – whether it be competitive integrity, coexistence of gambling in the industry, data collection, and investments – the track is shaping up to be a real treat for delegates.

ESI London

We’ve gone ahead and outlined the panel discussions that you can expect to occur on the day so that you can share our same excitement for the track.

Cheating, match-fixing and betting fraud in esports: Where are we?

Competitive integrity is at the heart of all sporting events and leagues, let alone solely esports – without it, exhibitions would be compromised and lack the true authentic experience that creates amazing moments.

Esports has proven to be a curveball in the safeguarding of competitive integrity; the digital nature of video games offers a host of new challenges for companies such as ESIC who seek to moderate and protect integrity. In the wake of gambling’s steady, meteoric rise in a still-developing industry, combating match fixtures, fraud, and other pressing items has been an uphill battle. While there’s still plenty of work to be addressed in this facet of the industry, we can find solace knowing panels such as the one at hand are actively in pursuit of a more fortified future for esports betting.

Speaker: Ian Smith, Commissioner of Esports Integrity Coalition

Can esports and betting on esports coexist in peace and harmony?

Betting on esports is a large sector of this industry whether it’s accepted or not – regardless, it’s here to stay and it’s growing fast. It’s difficult to pin the exact market value of esports betting, especially due to the large volume of unregulated bookmakers; the last sensible evaluation of its size was reported to be orbiting around $900 million by Business Insider in 2018 – although, that number has very likely ballooned by a fair amount since.

Esports betting is at a stage where a lot of money is trading hands everyday and it has frankly become too large to ignore. Can tournament organisers, publishers, and other parties connected to esports gambling come together to help facilitate a healthy ecosystem for all? We’ll address those topics and more in the above panel.

Speakers: Stepan Shulga, Head of Esports at Parimatch, Lee-Ann Johnstone, CEO of Affiliate Insider

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Reliable data: Can a standard be agreed?

Data has its hand on the pulse of betting in all forms. When it comes to esports, bookmakers can have a myriad of options for markets and offerings only expanded by its digital essence with access to APIs and other in-game features.

Data providers are an integral part of esports betting, though there are incongruities in its standards and practices. Are some forms of data more superior than others and what truly is the best bet? We’ll be taking aim at the subject in on day two of ESI London.

Speakers: Moritz Maurer, CEO of GRID, Ivan Danishevskyi, CEO of Esports Charts
Moderator: Ian Smith, Commissioner of Esports Integrity Coalition

The esports integrity ecosystem: Working together for the future of healthy esports

Integrity is at the core of all competitions, and again, esports is a maturing industry which still has some loose ends to be sewed up. Tournament providers and districts where betting can be found should all have a hand in protecting the ecosystem – unfortunately, that is not always the case.

Genuine concerns such as doping in esports and other affairs present real problems to the growth and legitimacy of the industry. It’s a matter of fact that shielding and preserving esports integrity is everyone’s job – but how do we work together to achieve synchrony in this quest? You can find out by stopping by our esports integrity panel.

Speaker: Stephen Hanna, Chairman of the Board (APAC) at Esports Integrity Coalition

Find out more about Esports Insider’s partnership with ESIC

While we’ve simply scratched the surface of what the engaging panels in ESIC’s track at ESI London will provide, we promise the further comprehensiveness of these discussions will be vital to all members of the industry.

If you’re an ESIC member, you are eligible for a discount to attend the conference – contact the coalition directly if you’re interested.

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