Red Bull has announced that World of Warcraft raiding guilds Limit and Pieces will head to the Red Bull Gaming Sphere in London for the World First Raid: Rise of Azshara.
Limit and Pieces will be live for the entirety of the event, with a 24/7 stream featuring the two guilds and eight others. The event will start on July 16th and conclude when Queen Azshara, the final boss of the new raid, is defeated.
Announcing World First featuring @PiecesGuild, @LimitGuild at the Gaming Sphere and 8 guilds offsite.
+ a high quality 24/7 stream, 30+ raiders on site and amazing casters!
Find out more here:
Good luck to all guilds trying to get World First.
— Red Bull Esports (@redbullesports) July 11, 2019
The eight guilds that will be broadcast alongside Limit and Pieces are Aversion, Alpha, FatSharkYes, ScrubBusters, Ji Tian Hong, Honestly, Exorsus, and AFK-R.
LumL, Guild Leader for Pieces discussed the event: “After several tiers where we were placing among the top in the world without putting (in) everything we had, a lot of us wanted to see how we’d do if we did. It’s a lot of stress having to play this much before the event where you actually have to deliver. I don’t think there’s any other sport where you put this much effort in prior to the real competition.”
Red Bull will have a host of broadcast talent during the show, including Rich Campbell, Daniel ‘AutomaticJak’ Anzenberger, Caroline ‘Nagura’ Forer, and Jack ‘Jacky’ Peters.
Maximum, Guild Leader for Limit also commented: “We’ve stepped up our game even more from before,” guild leader Maximum told us. “Going for world first is the most creatively challenging thing that any one of us ever has to do. Easily. You’re coming up with new strategies on the fly. but it’s why we do it – everyone has a lot of fun.”
Red Bull has joined forces with Method for previous raids, but the British organisation announced a new partner in TaKeTV for The Eternal Palace. Method and Limit & Pieces will race for first place and the monopoly on viewership once the raid gets underway.
Esports Insider said: Ever since we knew Method and Red Bull had split, something involving Red Bull was inevitable. The surprise comes in the fact Limit will be live from London, so it will be interesting to see how many members they sent out. It’s also great to see Pieces involved so heavily – after the work they put in to achieve rank one in the previous tier, we can only hope this is the rise of another super guild in World of Warcraft.