
From Software's Classic Metal Wolf Chaos Re-Releasing Soon

From Software’s wild mech game Metal Wolf Chaos is coming next month, the studio and publisher Devolver Digital have announced. It will hit PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One on August 6, for $25. If you pre-order you’ll get a platform-exclusive mech skin.

The re-release of Metal Wolf Chaos updates the visuals, revises the save system, and bumps the resolution to 4K with 16:9 support. The 2004 release was exclusive to Xbox in Japan, and became notoriously difficult to find outside of its home country. That makes this re-release the first opportunity many fans will have to play it.

The timing of this announcement on July 4–Independence Day in America– is no coincidence. The game is a comically over-the-top representation of American patriotism, as it stars President Michael Wilson taking to a mech suit to defend against a rebellion led by Vice President Richard Hawk. The battles take place across an array of American landmarks like the Grand Canyon and the White House. You can get a sense for the tone in the release trailer below.

The game’s style earned it a place in GameSpot’s Most American Games of All Time. “You can also unlock a rocket launcher that fires rockets in the shape of footballs that leave trails of streamers and fireworks in their wake,” wrote Peter Brown. “In other words: AMERICA.”

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