It’s a big day for Battlefield V, as the World War II shooter’s next free map has arrived. The map Al Sundan came to Battlefield V today through the Chapter 4: Defying the Odds update.
Al Sundan is set in the North Africa desert, and players may note that it looks familiar. That’s because it is pulled from the single-player mission, Behind Enemy Lines, from the Under No Flag chapter of the campaign.

Al Sundan is described as a “versatile map” that supports numerous different play-styles. The map features a number of different vehicles and planes, while there are six different capture points. The map contains big, open areas, so DICE advise players to never run in straight lines and use smoke screens to stay hidden.
The map supports two modes–Squad Conquest and Team Deathmatch. However, developer DICE said it encountered some “stability issues” with the map, so “not every game mode intended for Al Sundan” will be available. It’s not immediately clear what other modes might be planned for it, but looking at the servers in-game right now, only Squad Contest and Team Deathmatch are available.
Go to the Battlefield website to learn more about Al Sundan.
Battlefield V’s next free map is Marita, which is set in Greece; it arrives in July. After that is Operation Underground, which takes place in an underground subway system and releases in October. Following that, Battlefield V heads to the Pacific theatre with a new Iwo Jima map later in the year. All post-release DLC maps for Battlefield V are free.