Mobile Gaming

Roblox The Games MVP Guide

Feature image for our Roblox The Games MVP guide. It shows a player character in red and black costume and a cat mask with the MVP crown.

Want to be the best your team has to offer? Then you need to become an MVP. As well as being at the top of the team, you get access to a few special rewards. Our Roblox The Games MVP guide tells you how to get it and why you’d want it.

If you want to hop in, head over to Roblox The Games hub. We’ve also got a Roblox The Games quest guide.

Roblox The Games MVP Guide

First we’ll discuss how to get MVP, then we’ll talk about what you get for becoming one of the elite.

How Do You Get MVP?

So, how do you get MVP? If you’ve entered to hub, you might see the percentage counter in the bottom left of your screen. This indicates what percentage of your team have a higher score than you. When you start it’s at 100%. As you complete missions and earn points toward your team, your number ticks down.

To get MVP, you need to get your counter under 5%. This puts you in the top 5% of players on your team. This is easier the bigger your team is, as larger teams have more members who haven’t played too many games.

What Do You Get For Getting MVP?

There are advantages to unlocking MVP, aside from bragging rights. Most of them do help with bragging rights, though.

  • You get a little crown that floats next to you when you’re in The Hub which marks you out as an MVP to everyone around you.
  • If you’ve got enough Silver, you can unlock an exclusive avatar item on the event tracker, the Competitior’s Iris Glider. There’s other items that open up after this one too. We also think it’s one of the nicer avatar items in the offering for the event, so we don’t regret grabbing it.

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