Mobile Gaming

Peroxide Adjuchas Guide

The Hollow line in Peroxide is all about edging your way up the Hueco Mundo food chain, and eventually, you’ll find yourself nearing the top. The Adjuchas are one of the more powerful kinds of Hollow, but reaching this stage presents you with a big choice. Stop there, or keep going? Our Peroxide Adjuchas guide explains a little about the progress, and the choice.

Want to play Peroxide? It’s out now on Roblox. If you want an in-depth guide on the whole Hollow process, try our Peroxide Hollow Progression guide.

Peroxide Adjuchas Guide

Right, let’s talk Hollows.

To reach Adjuchas form, you need to advance from Fishbone Hollow to Menos, and as a Menos kill 30 hollows and stay alive until the progress bar completes its rise.

You’ll respawn after the Menos stage as a very different Hollow-type, like a buffer Fishbone, amd gain access to a much bigger range of abilities.

Vasto Lorde Or Adjucar?

At this stage, you have two choices.

  • You can rip your mask with G, this will turn you into an Arrancar, an Adjucar and let you access the different Arrancar weapons and skills immediately.
  • You can continue to grind by killing hollows to achieve Vasto Lorde status. This allows you to become a Vastocar, the strongest type of Arrancar.

Is Vasto Lorde Worth It?

Vasto Lorde is a grind. You need 1700 Kills to ascend, though the more powerful the Hollow, the more kills it’s worth. A Storm Arrancar is worth 100 Kills, so you’d only need 17 of them to reach Vasto Lorde status.
There is a problem, though. Every death costs you kills from your total. There is one ‘checkpoint’ level at 1250 kills where you won’t drop below once you get there, but aside from that, dying knocks 60 kills off your score, which is dangerous when PVPers come after you!

If you have the dedication to master the grind, Vasto Lorde is a great way to get a souped-up Arrancar and is worth the time, though we won’t judge you if you tap out. Getting there isn’t super fun.

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