Mobile Gaming

The Best Android Games of 2019: Reader’s Choice

We recently celebrated the best Android games of 2019 that we reviewed on the site, and want to continue highlighting our favourite games of 2019 by inviting you, the readers, to participate. We know you guys have your own picks, and we’d like to invite you to have your say by filling out the simple spreadsheet below.

We’ll run this over the next few days and tally up the winners by New Year’s Day. The game that gets the most votes will be crowned the winner and we’ll include a few runners-up for good measure. Depending on how many submissions we get, and how close it is, we may narrow down the selections and get you guys to vote again.

This is the first time we’ve done something like this, so the format may change over time. We plan to do more things like this to get you, the community, involved. We know you’re passionate about Android games, and we want to give you guys and girls platform to have your say.


  • Your selection must be an official game release (not a mod, emulator, or unofficial release)
  • It must have launched in 2019

The Best Android Games of 2019: Reader’s Choice

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