Mobile Gaming

How To Wall Run In Sorcery

Feature image for our guide on how to wall run in Sorcery. It shows a character stood before a wall run section.

Struggling to complete the Cursed Technique obby? Or just want to show off a bit on missions with your smooth parkour moves. Either way, how to wall run in Sorcery is a bit tricky, but simple enough once you get the hang of it. Just follow our guide and you should have the ninja moves down in no time.

Sorcery is free to play this week on Roblox. Maybe check out our Sorcery codes guide too, if you’ve got time.

How To Wall Run In Sorcery

Let’s get into it.

About Wall Runs

A Wall Run is a maneuver where your character lands against a vertical wall, runs a distance along the wall’s length, and then springs off. You can use the wall run to cross wider gaps than conventional jumps and dashes. It’s possible to execute a double wall run between two vertical walls, if they are spaced apart correctly.

How Do You Execute A Wall Run?

To execute a wall run, you need to jump against a vertical wall and then hold the jump key (Space). This is usually most easy to trigger if you jump against the wall a couple of times before holding down Jump the final time.

Wall Running Tips

  • The camera is key. Try to position your camera to point in the direction of the place you want to jump to. This should make the wall run a lot easier to direct.
  • Practice makes perfect. Try it out in areas without a large drop to get used to it.
  • Don’t panic. Spamming Jump is just going to make you fall, so avoid panic pressed, the wall run should trigger on the third Jump.
  • In the Cursed Technique parkour, wait out the Insanity Attacks. If you’re attempting wall runs in the Cursed Technique obby, make sure to wait for the headache

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