Mobile Gaming

Roblox Sorcery Clans Guide

Feature image for our Sorcery Clans guide. It shows a Roblox version of Satoru using Lapse Blue.

So, what’s in a name? Turns out, quite a lot when you’re playing Sorcery. Maybe the family politics was onto something. Fortunately, our Sorcery Clans guide is here to help you figure out what your Clan does, and how to get a new one if it doesn’t please you.

Sorcery is free for the week we write this up, and available to play on Roblox. If you want to make the most of that time, maybe take a peek at our Sorcery codes guide, too.

Sorcery Clans Guide

As of the last update, Clans now have buffs attached to them in-game. So let’s explain them, and what each of them do.

About Clans

When you create a character in Sorcery, your character gets a clan, which will be the last name. You might recognize each of the names.

These Clans might provide some decent buffs, though they might not, depending on the Clan. Fortunately, if you don’t like what you got, you can reroll them by going to Mahito. He’s over at the tree near the clothing shop. Speak with him and hell let you reroll your Clan in exchange for 20 Cursed Tickets.

The downside of this? Mostly that you have to talk to Mahito.

Clan List

Below we’ve listed all the clans in the game right now, along with what buffs they do, or don’t offer.

Common – 23.1% Chance To Roll

Uncommon – 11.5% Chance To Roll

Rare – 5.7% Chance To Roll

  • Fushiguro
    • +20 Cursed Energy
    • +10 Health
  • Kamo

Legendary – 2.8% Chance To Roll

Mythical – 1.1% Chance To Roll

  • Okkotsu
  • Geto
    • +30 Cursed Energy
    • +10 Health
  • Zenin
  • Gojo
    • +10 Cursed Energy
    • +5 Health
    • Exclusive Sixeye Sense Skill

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