Mobile Gaming

Anime Vanguards Sung Jin Woo Guide – Everything About Song Jinwu

Feature image for our Anime Vanguards Song Jinwu guide. Image shows the Song Jinwu unit being summoned.

Who is the Anime Vanguards Sung Jin Woo unit, and what makes him so good? Our guide is here to answer your questions! Whether you want a new Mythic to add to your team or are curious about what he does, we’ll go over everything.

Ready to get this unit? You can summon him in Anime Vanguards via Roblox. If you want to learn about some of the other Mythic units available, we have an Anime Vanguards Tengen Guide and a Best Mythic In Anime Vanguards Guide.

Anime Vanguards Sung Jin Woo Guide

The Song Jinwu unit is inspired by Sun Jinwoo from Solo Leveling. He is of Mythic rarity and has a placement count of three, and each unit may be upgraded a total of 7 times.

To get your hands on Song Jinwu, you’ll need to Summon him from the banner. To view your chances of obtaining him, head to the Summons area, then select ‘Index’ to view the current odds. Once you do have him, you can look forward to him using his passive ability:

  • Job Request
    • +0.1% DMG for each takedown, capping at 40%

Evolving Into Song Jinwu (Monarch)

When evolving Song Jinwu, you will get Song Jinwu (Monarch). He will keep the Job Request ability, as well as gain three additional ones on upgrade 8.

  • Necromancer (Passive)
    • Whenever you kill an enemy, they will be added to your shadow army.
  • Arise (Active)
    • This goes alongside the Necromancer ability. When this is in use, the Shadows that you collected from Necromancer will have 10% of your enemy’s HP.
    • This has a 135-second cooldown
  • King of the Shadow (Passive)
    • +2.5% DMG whenever a Shadow defeats an opponent (capping at 25%).

If you want to evolve him, here is what you will need:

  • 15,000 Gold
  • x12 Shadow Trace
  • x30 Green Essence
  • x12 Pink Essence
  • x10 Yellow Essence
  • x1 Rainbow Essence

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