Mobile Gaming

Anime Vanguards Support Units Guide

Feature image for our Anime Vanguards Support units guide. It shows the support unit Agony just after he's summoned.

Sometimes winning a battle in Anime Vanguards isn’t all about your DPS. Sometimes you need to fight smarter rather than harder. That’s where Anime Vanguards support units come in. These units have special abilities that can buff their allies, or inflict nasty status effects on their enemies.

You can play Anime Vanguards right now via Roblox. If you’re looking for some more Anime Vanguards content, or want one of the units we talk about, try our guide on how to get Haruka Rin in Anime Vanguards.

Anime Vanguards Support Units Guide

Let’s talk about the Support units in the game right now.


Agony is a dangerous individual, and not just because of his array of face piercings. This Legendary support unit can inflict the Repulse effect with his special ability, Looming Threat. This sends units backwards along the track, great if they’ve gotten past your heaviest hitter and you want to send them back for round 2. Even better, he gets a buff after landing a Repulse, so can give them a good kicking to send them on their way.

Haruka Rin

Haruka Rin is currently the only Support unit that focuses on buffs. Her special ability Love Dance increases the attack of any units in her radius of attack by 3% per wave, and this buffs stacks all the way up to an 18% damage boost. Super useful to set up close to your best DPS units.


Easier to get than the other two units, but still worth your attention, is Alligator. This Epic unit’s ability, Sand Body, inflicts Slow on enemies. This decreases their speed by 50%, buying you more time until attackers reach the end. It also means they spend more time in your damage units’ radius of pain. Not quite as a fun as Repulsion, but still great in a pinch.

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