Mobile Gaming

How To Get Haruka Rin In Anime Vanguards

Feature image for our guide on how to get Haruka Rin in Anime Vanguards. It shows the lobby skyline.

Eager to join the dance and improve morale in your Anime Vanguards troops? There’s a special unit that can help you do that, and we’re here to show you how to get her on your side. Our guide on how to get Haruka Rin in Anime Vanguards is here to tell you what you need to know about the support unit and where she’s hiding.

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How To Get Haruka Rin In Anime Vanguards

Let’s get into it.

About Haruka Rin

Haruka Rin is a support unit with a buff focus that improves the damage of other units within her attack radius. The buff stacks at 3% per wave, maxing out at a sizable 18% damage buff for any unit close by. For this reason, it’s good to deploy her early on. She deals damage too, so you’re not missing out on a fighting unit to place her.

How To Get Haruka Rin

Haruka Rin is a limited edition unit, so she won’t be available for very long. The good news is, it’s very simple to get one for yourself.

You need to use the Battle Pass. The unit is the prize for reaching Level 30 on the Free Battle Pass. That’s right, not a paid track.

How do you reach Level 30? The grind, mostly. The Battle Pass levels through killing enemies during both single and multiplayer rounds. Fill out the full quota on your hitlist and you gain a level. It’ll take a fair amount of grinding to reach Level 30, though if you’re a dedicated player, you might be closer than you think!

Once you’ve reached the right level, head to the Battle Pass menu and scroll along to 30 in the top section to claim your unit. Then let the buffs roll in.

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