Mobile Gaming

Anime Vanguards Stats Guide – Perfect Your Units!

This Anime Vanguard stats guide tells you how to make your units stronger with an easily looked-over feature. Our guide will talk you through how to reroll stats, the items required, and what the Takedown system is.

Check out Anime Vanguards Roblox. We also have an Anime Vanguards Essences Guide that talks you through the importance of essences, and how to craft them.

Anime Vanguards Stats Guide

Rerolling stats allow you to increase the base stats of your unit. This includes Attack, SPA, and Range. To change your unit’s stats, head to the Cyan NPC located to the right of the Lobby and speak to her. Then, you can select the unit you wish to change the stats of.

Stat Rerolls Currency

Before rerolling, you will need to get your hands on either Stat Chips or Super Stat Chips. You can get these through Codes, Battlepass, or completing Challenges. Despite both sharing a Mythical rarity, they do different things during a reroll which are the following:

  • Stat Chips – Lets you roll for one stat at a time
  • Super Stat Chips – Lets you roll for all three stats at the same time

It’s important to note that if you roll for a new stat, your previous stat will be discarded, even if it was better than your new roll. Make sure to think before rerolling, as it may not be better. This is the same when you reroll for traits.

Stat Potential And Takedown

Under your unit’s icon when rerolling for stats, you will see their Stat Potential with the current percentage. Below that is your unit’s Takedowns number, which is out of 5,000.

These figures are similar to a pity system. The more you use a unit in battle, the more their Takedown number increases. If your unit has a high Takedown, the chance of rolling for better stats increases.

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