Mobile Gaming

Doors Screech Entity Guide

Feature image for our Doors Screech guide. It shows Screech screaming at the player, showing large teeth and glowing eyes.

Sick of having someone looking over your shoulder? There’s an entity that dwells in The Hotel and The Mine that might be one of the most annoying Doors has to offer. He’s sneaky, persistent, noisy, and bitey. Luckily, our Doors Screech entity guide has tips on how to deal with this deranged flying starfish and stop him getting a piece of you.

Doors just got Floor 2 and is ready to play on Roblox. If you want more monsters from the rooms, try out Doors Rush guide.

Doors Screech Entity Guide

First, we’ll talk about that horrid thing, then we’ll give you tips on how to handle encounters with it.

About Screech

Screech is a floating creature that vaguely resembles a starfish, with a round body in the center that has a mouth full of human-like teeth. He’s covered in a black, tar-like substance. Screech likes to appear in dark rooms. He hovers behind a player, and if left undetected after a while, will jump on the player and take a bite out of them, costing them some health.

How To Deal With Screech

If you’re sick of Screech sneaking up on you, here are a few tips on how to keep the annoying little monster from causing too much trouble.

  • If Screech is lurking nearby, he will give an audio cue that sounds like someone whispering ‘Psst!’. If you hear this, immediately turn around and scan the area below and above you. If you make eye contact with Screech, he’ll immediately scream and disappear.
  • In The Hotel, Screech generally spawns in the dark. Dark rooms are the main danger. You can reduce the chances of him spawning by using a light source like a flashlight, candle or lighter.
  • In The Mines, Screech can spawn pretty much anywhere, and does so quite frequently, so just keep checking.
  • Screech will disappear if you get into a hiding spot.
  • Sometimes the Screech whisper audio will play when Screech isn’t present, because Doors loves to mess with you.

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