Mobile Gaming

Doors Jeff Shop Guide

Feature image for our Doors Jeff Shop guide. It shows a player picking up Gold.

All these horrible monsters, are there any friendly faces in Doors? As it turns out, there are! In the hallways, there is a place you can buy useful items, and chat with surprisingly pleasant creatures. Our Doors Jeff Shop guide covers what you need to know. Where is it, what you’ll find there, and what you can buy.

You can get right into the levels of Doors on Roblox. We’ve also got a Doors Floor 2 codes guide, if you want to go to town on the pre-game shop.

Doors Jeff Shop Guide

About The Jeff Shop

The Jeff Shop appears in Room 52 of The Hotel, and Room 152 of The Mines.

Jeff takes payment in Gold, which is picked up from scavenging around the area. This is different from the pre-game shop, where items are purchased with Knobs, which are awarded at the end of runs.

In the Jeff shop you’ll find three NPC entities, all non-hostile.

  • Jeff – Unsurprisingly runs the Jeff Shop. He resembles a large pair of white, circular eyes hiding in the shadows behind his stall. He’s friendly, though dislikes it if you mess with his radio. Jeff has a tip jar that you can tip him with, too.
  • El Goblino – El Goblino is a small, goblin-like entity that sits at a table in the shop. El Goblino is friendly and happy to talk and may reveal a number of secrets about the floor and other entities if you talk and make note of some of the details.
  • Bob – A skeleton sitting in a seat. El Goblino talks about him like he’s a living creature, but he doesn’t appear to do anything. He might just be someone’s skeleton.

The Jeff Shop room is fairly safe but isn’t totally immune to entities like Rush and Ambush. If they spawn, Jeff will close the shop, and El Goblino will hide.

What Does The Jeff Shop Sell?

The Jeff Shop will sell four items from a pool of six. The four will be made up of the following items.

  • Crucifix – 500 Gold
  • Flashlight – 200 Gold
  • Lighter – 100 Gold
  • Lockpick – 100 Gold
  • Skeleton Key – 300 Gold (This is guaranteed to be one of the items.)
  • Vitamins – 100 Gold

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