Mobile Gaming

Anime Defenders Traits Guide

Feature image for our Anime Defenders traits guide. It shows the lobby skyline with a radio tower.

Want to give your favorite units an even bigger boost? Or promote your mediocre ones to glory? You’ll need to find out about traits. These are stat boosts you can equip to different units to improve them, but you can only give one to one unit at a time, so think it through carefully. Our Anime Defenders traits guide runs over all the different traits and what they do.

Anime Defenders is out right now on Roblox. We’ve also got an Anime Defenders tier list if you want to know all about the best units.

Anime Defenders Traits Guide

Below we’ve listed all the traits in alphabetical order with their stats included, as well as a rough idea of the chance of rolling the trait in question, so just scroll to look for the one that you’re interested in.


  • 0.1% roll chance (Max 1 Almighty Unit on the field.)
  • 280% damage boost
  • 15% Longer Cooldown
  • 10% larger range

Brawler 1

  • 8% roll chance
  • 10% damage boost

Brawler 2

  • 7% roll chance
  • 12.5% damage boost

Brawler 3

  • 7% roll chance
  • 15% damage boost


  • 2.5% roll chance
  • 20% larger range

Critical 1

  • 6.2% roll chance
  • 20% crit damage boost

Critical 2

  • 6.1% roll chance
  • 25% crit damage boost

Critical 3

  • 6% roll chance
  • 30% crit damage boost

Hunter 1

  • 7% roll chance
  • 10% larger range

Hunter 2

  • 7% roll chance
  • 12.5% larger range

Hunter 3

  • 7% roll chance
  • 15% larger range

Midas Touch

  • 7% roll chance
  • 15% more money generated.


  • 0.8% roll chance
  • 30% extra crit chance
  • 30% extra crit damage


  • 10% roll chance
  • 50% extra XP gain.


  • 0.2% roll chance
  • 20% larger range


  • 1% roll chance
  • 20% faster cooldown

Swiftness 1

  • 7% roll chance
  • 6% faster cooldown

Swiftness 2

  • 7% roll chance
  • 9% faster cooldown

Swiftness 3

  • 7% roll chance
  • 12.5% faster cooldown

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