Sphaze, the polished new puzzler from developer Subpixels, will be out any minute now on Android.
As frequently happens on mobile, Sphaze has managed to arrive on the iOS App Store on its scheduled release date, but remains stubbornly absent from Google Play. Both versions were due today, July the 2nd, so it should be along presently.
We wrote about Sphaze last month. It sees you spinning surfaces around on a succession of giant structures to create paths down which mysterious robots can travel.
Subpixels cites Cut the Rope and Monument Valley as inspirations, with the former’s arcade puzzles and the latter’s intricate design and understated visual elegance. It certainly looks nice.
Sphaze is up on the Google Play Store right now, but right now you can only pre-register for it. Hopefully that will have changed by the time you read this, in which case you can forget everything you’ve just read.