It’s Tuesday, which means Destiny 2’s weekly reset is now in full effect. Aside from rotating in a couple of Crucible game modes and giving you the chance to earn extra Infamy in Gambit, there’s also a new hotfix update to download.
The headline change in Hotfix fixes an issue in Trials of Osiris where challenges were not being reset properly. Now everyone should receive their rewards as intended, allowing you to hop back into the hardcore PvP event without worrying about your hard-earned loot not dropping.
Bungie’s patch notes list other changes, ranging from fixing an issue where players weren’t getting the correct amount of planetary materials from Seraph Bunker upgrades, to fixing an issue with Raiju’s Harness that allowed players to hold Whirlwind Guard indefinitely. Due to an issue, however, there are two fixes that aren’t included in today’s hotfix and have instead been pushed back: a fix where bunker upgrades on the Season Pass are only unlocked on one character, and a fix where the first weekly clear of a Legendary Lost Sector won’t award a powerful drop.
Meanwhile, the weekly reset focuses on your continued efforts to upgrade the Seraph Moon Bunker, while rotating in Mayhem and Breakthrough to the Crucible playlists.
Destiny 2 Hotfix Full Patch Notes:
- Fixed an issue where Trials of Osiris challenges were not being reset properly, causing some players to not receive rewards.
- Fixed an issue where players were not getting the correct amount of planetary materials from bunker upgrades.
- Fixed an issue where Titan Season Pass arms ornament would block first-person view.
- Season Pass SMG and Shotgun will now create Warmind cells with Season Pass ornaments equipped.
- Fixed an issue where Sentinel Titans were able to extend Sentinel Shield/Banner Shield by suppressing themselves.
- Fixed an issue with Raiju’s Harness that allowed players to hold Whirlwind Guard indefinitely.
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