Terminator: Resistance is the latest game set within the Terminator universe, and it’s going to pit you against the Terminators once again. The game casts players as Jacob Rivers, a character who is taking part in John Connor’s resistance against Skynet in the Terminator timeline established by the first two films. It’s set shortly after Judgement Day, and technically serves as a prequel to the original film, following events before Kyle Reese is sent back in time.
The new gameplay trailer gives us a look at the game’s combat, but also hints towards its stealthier elements. Your robot enemies will be impervious against regular weapons; if you’re not equipped with lasers, you’ll have to hide from the Terminators. The footage below shows Rivers shooting at classic T-1000 exoskeletons, as well as turrets and flying drones, but it also shows moments where you might have to avoid combat, or use an electro-knife to take down enemies.
The soundtrack should be familiar to any fans of the action movie franchise. It does not appear that the events of Terminator: Dark Fate, the latest film in the series, will factor in at all.
The last console game set in the Terminator universe, Terminator Salvation, released in 2010 to tepid reviews. Meanwhile the T-1000, as played by Arnold Schwarzenegger in the films, recently joined the cast of Mortal Kombat 11–he does not appear to feature in this game, though. Terminator: Resistance is releasing for PC, PS4 and Xbox One on November 15 in Europe and Australia, and then later on December 10 in North America.
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