Usually when Xur visits Destiny 2’s solar system on the weekend, you’re lucky to see him carrying one Exotic from Year Two–everything included with the Forsaken expansion and the annual pass that followed it. Hunters and Warlocks are lucky this week, though: Xur has two Year Two Exotics, and they’re both pretty solid. Picking up some new top-tier weapons and armor is a great way to hold yourself over between the Leviathan’s Breath Exotic quest this week and the Xenophage Exotic quest next week, and while you wait for the start of Destiny 2’s Halloween event, the Festival of the Lost.
Where Is Xur?
Head to the Tower to find Xur this week. You’ll need to go down to the Hangar; turn left at the door and take the stairs up to the catwalk near the edge of the area where Xur is waiting.

What Is Xur Selling?
For his weapon this week, Xur is packing Suros Regime, an auto rifle that packs a serious punch when you get near the bottom of the magazine and can even heal you. It’s great for both PvE and PvP thanks to its adjustable fire and damage rates. Both Hunters and Warlocks can grab Year Two Exotics–Liar’s Handshake and Geomag Stabilizers–which can give you some powerful build options for each class if you don’t already have them.
If you want some other Year Two Exotics to fill out your collection, try Xur’s Fated Engram. It awards you one Exotic you don’t already have per week, which now can include all the random Year Two Exotic drops from the Annual Pass. That means Exotic armor from last season, the Season of Opulence, is now available from the expensive engram. If you’re a PC or Xbox One player taking advantage of cross-save, you can now potentially get Wavesplitter from the Fated Engram as well.
Xur Item Lineup (October 25-29)
- Suros Regime (Exotic Auto Rifle) — 29 Legendary Shards
- Synthoceps (Exotic Titan Gauntlets) — 23 Legendary Shards
- Liar’s Handshake (Exotic Warlock Gauntlets) — 23 Legendary Shards
- Geomag Stabilizers (Exotic Hunter Leg Armor) — 23 Legendary Shards
Suros Regime

An old Exotic, Soros Regime is another of those guns that’s pretty useful in the Crucible. The auto rifle does extra damage with the bottom half of its magazine, and scoring kills has a chance to give you health back. You can also set the gun to increase its rate of fire the longer you hold down the trigger, or to slow down when aiming down the sights for extra damage.

Titans who love punching things can snag a set of Synthoceps. The gauntlets give you increased melee lunge range–great for taking people down with a shoulder charge in the Crucible–and gives you additional melee and Super damage when you’re surrounded.
- Mobility: +10
- Resilience: +11
- Recovery: +3
- Discipline: +6
- Intellect: +6
- Strength: +12
- Total: 48
- 1 Energy
Liar’s Handshake

In terms of newer Exotics, it’s Hunters who luck out this week. Liar’s Handshake is from the Season of Opulence, and it’s great for melee-heavy builds. The gauntlets give you a second, more powerful punch when you follow up your Arc melee attack, or after you take a melee hit from an enemy. The counterpunch has an added bonus as well: It heals you. Try getting in close and wailing on a few bosses with it.
- Mobility: +12
- Resilience: +6
- Recovery: +6
- Discipline: +6
- Intellect: +6
- Strength: +12
- Total: 48
- 1 Energy
Geomag Stabilizers

The Warlock Super Chaos Reach is greatly improved thanks to Geomag Stabilizers. The leg armor extends the duration of the Super as you deal damage with it, which makes it great in a lot of situations. You also can top off your Super energy when it’s almost full by sprinting, allowing you to zap more people more often with Chaos Reach.
- Mobility: +12
- Resilience: +7
- Recovery: +8
- Discipline: +6
- Intellect: +10
- Strength: +6
- Total: 49
- 1 Energy
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