normal to love a sale, especially if it’s a good one. Fireproof Games is having
a sale on three games from The Room series.
If you
have been looking for an exploration-based puzzler with a wealth of content,
then look no further. Grabbing a cheap copy of The Room games will keep you
entertained for hours.
What Games are on Sale?
The Room
Two – The most popular of all The Room games on sale and a great place to start
if you are new to the series. Grab a copy from Google Play for the low price of $0.99.
The Room
Three – A more complete puzzle game with a much better hint system for players
who struggle with puzzle solving. You can get a copy from the Google Play store for $1.99.
The Room:
Old Sins – The newest of all The Room games and probably the most polished of
all The Room games. If you want to grab a copy for $2.49, then follow this link
to the Google Play store.