Mobile Gaming

Android Q will make it easier to capture audio and for developers to optimise games

Android Q

Trusted Reviews recently detailed two nifty upcoming Android Q features that will make life much easier for gamers on Android.

The first of these is a new AudioPlaybackCapture mode will allow third party applications to directly record a game’s audio.

Right now, the only way to record a game’s audio is to do so via the mic. It’s obvious why that isn’t optimal, as it will also capture any background noise.

Android Q will likely launch in August of this year

The other, perhaps more exciting feature for us gamers, is the Thermal API, which will provide temperature readings from the CPU and GPU to developers.

This will help them better optimise their games for Android on a range of different devices. It’ll be much easier for them to see where the problems lie if they can track the temperatures of components.

You can read Trusted Reviews’ full findings by clicking on the link in the first paragraph. Android Q will likely launch in August 2019.

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