A defensive match 2v2 Terran, Protoss and Zerg, shows some standard tactics in Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty – DJ oGc MC, the legendary one Change Games!
We show you best of interviews, reports, tutorials and tactics about actual games, also news from the esports wm and gaming scene on Change Games Entertainment Community @ 2010-2012 -friends international invational-
Top 100 Starcraft 2 Players 2010-2011:
MC, MarineKing, Jinro, Fruitdealer, TLO, Huk, TT.One, oGs.TOP, qxc, ajtls, KiWiKaKi, IdrA, Slush, SeleCT, Neans, Silver, Antimage, Android, drewbie, iNcontroL, Kurtz. Agh, Sheth, Katari, Moo, SUGGY, Darkshines, Stalife, Zelniq, Rigid, IefNaij, DeAtHRoW, StrifeCro, ReSpOnSe, Hincram, Copperhead, sikatrix, aznwiseguy, LzGaMeR, Levin, Taurent, ThisIsJimmy, REBUKED, ostojiy, iNkA, Trump, Blendio, HasHe, Billy, hyungbean, Monkey, Tozar, CatZ, oGc, Bubba, dayvie, Dhalism, linko, Darrenc, DuFFmAn, NightWOlf, Masq, CocoA, Looky, hotsauce, Nova, KawaiiRice, PainUser, Skillet, MurDeR, Uruk, WeaPonX, Time, FireZerg, everytime, stevo, UREZ, SwIsS, sOel, Krycera, Scapalexis, Capoch, Despiron, CrunCher, Stompey,AcidiC, Joseki, TorcH, Mcleod, RoboFerret, EnvY, Newport, Sinatra, Malice, ZeuS, BheLLioM, TeknoBoy, infinity, Heresy, CheAse, Kalain, avilo, Dukke, iEchoic, Andro, Pretty, Neurosis, Piny, Dread, LuckyFool, Fayth
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