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Type Soul Arrancar Progression Guide

Feature image for our Type Soul Arrancar Progression guide. It shows a throne in Hueco Mundo with broken pillars.

Want to take a walk on the dark side? Arrancar are the shadows of the Shinigami, Hollows parted from their mask and gifted with some unnatural power. It’s objectively the coolest faction, we’re sure. Knowing how to make the most of it is the trick. Fortunately, our Type Soul Arrancar Progression guide goes over how to become the most powerful Hollow and make your average player cower in terror. Well… maybe. Most Type Soul PVPers are pretty chill.

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Type Soul Arrancar Progression Guide

Here we’ve covered everything we think you’d like to know.

Getting Arrancar

You get Arrancar from selecting the Hollow path on beginning a save file. You’ll spawn in as a Hollow, and must evolve through the different Hollow types. During the different stages of evolution, beyond the first evolve, you can become an Arrancar at any time by ripping off your mask with the CTRL+K command.

The stage of evolution your Hollow is at will determine what kind of Arrancar your Hollow will turn into.

  • Ripping your mask as a Menos will make you a Menoscar.
  • Ripping your mask as an Adjucha will make you an Adjucar.
  • And ripping your mask as a Vasto Lorde will make you a Vastocar.

We’ve run over this in more detail in our Type Soul Hollow Progression guide.

Getting Vastocar as an Arrancar

One of the big changes in the recent update was that obtaining Vastocar got a lot easier for Hollows. While Vasto Lorde used to be an unbearable grind, it’s now actually pretty achievable. What if you already pulled your mask, though? Don’t worry! There are ways to become a full Vastocar even as an Arrancar.

We’ve detailed the process below.

  • Acquire ten Hogyoku Fragments, you need at least ten stacked in your inventory at once.
  • Consume all ten at once as an Arrancar, Menoscar, or Adjucar.
  • If you’ve done this correctly, you should become a Vastocar.
  • Vastocars can consume the fragments for Gran Ray Cero.

Increasing Your Powers As An Arrancar

Once you’ve achieved your ideal state as an Arrancar, there’s still plenty of work to do. Fortunately, we’ve got guides for those too!

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