
Malta’s Vision for video games development and esports launched by government

Joseph Muscat, Prime Minister of Malta has signed a memorandum of understanding between the country and ESL.

Launching Malta’s Vision for Video Games Development and Esports, the initiative aims to “pave the way for the growth” of the industry.

Malta’s Vision for Video Games Development and Esports
Photo credit: Kevin Abela

The vision was presented by the Silvio Schembri, Parliamentary Secretary for Financial Services, Digital Economy and Innovation, who explained that it has the potential to contribute to the economy and create job opportunities in the country.

Schembri commented on the vision: “The video games business model is structurally different from igaming and game developers need industry led and sector specific expertise and support to be able to grow. Hence, after discussions with key stakeholders we sought into taking significant educational initiatives to sustain the existent talent pool, cater for the needs of the industry and make it easier for future generations to pursue a career in this thriving sector which is expected to continue to grow in the coming years.”

The vision hopes to position Malta as a hub for video game development and esports in the Mediterranean and Europe and is looking to attract international esports tournaments to be hosted in the country.

Ralf Reichert, CEO of ESL discussed the memorandum of understanding in a release: “We at ESL have a core mission to create esports ecosystems and we are very excited about developing the Maltese Esports together with the Maltese Government.”

Esports Insider says: It’s cool to see a country embrace gaming and esports in such a way, and it’s evidently committed to creating esports opportunities for all. The proof will indeed be in the pudding with the vision but getting involved with ESL certainly displays intention.

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